I’m Liyandza Mthembu and I’m here to guide you to ELEVATE YOUR BRAND by showing you how to leverage and monetize your uniqueness, experiences, skills, passion, personality and more…
Let’s reposition your brand for attracting, creating and maintaining profitable opportunities that sustain your best life.
“How To Power Up & Elevate To Your BEST LIFE: Innovate, Contribute, Lead With Confidence & Profit ”
A training about harnessing the power you need to elevate to your BEST LIFE.
It explores the importance of self-confidence, leadership & innovation in enabling you to reach milestones that will facilitate you to experience and benefit or profit from that BEST LIFE.
Typically, your starting point involves you assessing and reflecting on your situation; analyzing the gap between where you are and where you need to be.Collecting feedback about your brand, its current position; a picture of how your uniqueness is perceived, uncovering what can be strategically leveraged and monetized.
This is your foundation for your journey towards elevating to your next success levels and creating your best life.
Honestly, you cannot remain where you are; there are shifts that need to happen.Firstly,shift in mindset, perspective and faith; this drives and fuels other shifts. Then other shifts include shift in habits, shift in how you package, show up and present yourself in the market place, beingaligned to where you want to be.
All this shifting needs systems to support and facilitate the journey.
Leverage and maximize moments, to implement action plan, get feedback, adjust and grow.
This is a journey, a process which may require testing, tweaking and adjusting to get that elevation.
Let’s get started, let’swork on repositioning your brand for attracting, creating and maintaining profitable opportunities that sustain your best life.
Liyandza Mthembu, an electrical engineer turned business strategist who is passionate about the creation of solutions that change communities and transforms lives, including the development of brands, platforms and enterprises that empower youth, women & societies. That is part of why he also shows up to make meaningful contributions an author, workshop and skills training facilitator, and career leadership advisor.
He gets energized when seeing the process of ideas coming to life, becoming a reality and working because of his creativity, faith-based and engineering-inspired strategies, and insight!
He likes to spend time working out in the garden MORE than in the gym.He is very intrigued by entrepreneurship, leadership,technology, fashion, food & travel.
Liyandza Mthembu, an electrical engineer turned business strategist who is passionate about the creation of solutions that change communities and transforms lives, including the development of brands, platforms and enterprises that empower youth, women & societies. That is part of why he also shows up to make meaningful contributions an author, workshop and skills training facilitator, and career leadership advisor.
He gets energized when seeing the process of ideas coming to life, becoming a reality and working because of his creativity, faith-based and engineering-inspired strategies, and insight!
He likes to spend time working out in the garden MORE than in the gym.He is very intrigued by entrepreneurship, leadership,technology, fashion, food & travel.